IEEE Systems Journal, ( ISI ), Volume (18), No (2), Year (2024-1) , Pages (814-825)

Title : ( Efficient Fuzzy-Based 3-D Flying Base Station Positioning and Trajectory for Emergency Management in 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks )

Authors: MohammadJavad Sobouti , Haitham Y. Adarbah , Afshin Alaghehband , Hamid Chitsaz , Amirhossein Mohajerzadeh , Mehdi Sookhak , Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno , Abedin Vahedian Mazloum , Fatemeh Afghah ,

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The need for continuous coverage, as well as low-latency, and ultrareliable communication in 5G and beyond cellular networks encouraged the deployment of high-altitude platforms and low-altitude drones as flying base stations (FBSs) to provide last-mile communication where high cost or geographical restrictions hinder the installation of terrestrial base stations (BSs) or during the disasters where the BSs are damaged. The performance of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted cellular systems in terms of coverage and quality of service offered for terrestrial users depends on the number of deployed FBSs, their 3-D location as well as trajectory. While several recent works have studied the 3-D positioning in UAV-assisted 5G networks, the problem of jointly addressing coverage and user data rate has not been addressed yet. In this article, we propose a solution for joint 3-D positioning and trajectory planning of FBSs with the objectives of the total distance between users and FBSs and minimizing the sum of FBSs flight distance by developing a fuzzy candidate points selection method.


, Flying base station, UAV-assisted 5G, 3D positioning, trajectory planning, fuzzy candidate point selection
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Sobouti, MohammadJavad and هیثم آدرباه and Alaghehband, Afshin and Chitsaz, Hamid and امیر حسین مهاجر زاده and مهدی سوخک and Hosseini Seno, Seyed Amin and Vahedian Mazloum, Abedin and فاطمه افقه},
title = {Efficient Fuzzy-Based 3-D Flying Base Station Positioning and Trajectory for Emergency Management in 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks},
journal = {IEEE Systems Journal},
year = {2024},
volume = {18},
number = {2},
month = {January},
issn = {1932-8184},
pages = {814--825},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {Flying base station; UAV-assisted 5G; 3D positioning; trajectory planning; fuzzy candidate point selection},


%0 Journal Article
%T Efficient Fuzzy-Based 3-D Flying Base Station Positioning and Trajectory for Emergency Management in 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks
%A Sobouti, MohammadJavad
%A هیثم آدرباه
%A Alaghehband, Afshin
%A Chitsaz, Hamid
%A امیر حسین مهاجر زاده
%A مهدی سوخک
%A Hosseini Seno, Seyed Amin
%A Vahedian Mazloum, Abedin
%A فاطمه افقه
%J IEEE Systems Journal
%@ 1932-8184
%D 2024
