Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, ( ISI ), Volume (152), No (8), Year (2024-3) , Pages (3551-3564)

Title : ( Φ-moment inequalities for noncommutative differentially subordinate martingales )

Authors: Yong Jiao , Mohammad Sal Moslehian , Lian Wu , Yahui Zuo ,

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We establish some $\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Phi$-moment inequalities for noncommutative differentially subordinate martingales. Let $\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Phi$ be a $p$-convex and $q$-concave Orlicz function with $1


, Martingale inequality, noncommutative differential subordination, convex function
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {یونگ جیائو and Sal Moslehian, Mohammad and لیان وو and یاهوی زو},
title = {Φ-moment inequalities for noncommutative differentially subordinate martingales},
journal = { Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
year = {2024},
volume = {152},
number = {8},
month = {March},
issn = {0002-9939},
pages = {3551--3564},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {Martingale inequality; noncommutative differential subordination; convex function},


%0 Journal Article
%T Φ-moment inequalities for noncommutative differentially subordinate martingales
%A یونگ جیائو
%A Sal Moslehian, Mohammad
%A لیان وو
%A یاهوی زو
%J Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
%@ 0002-9939
%D 2024
