Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume (6), No (6), Year (2013-9) , Pages (228-234)

Title : ( A randomized controlled trial of brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy in patients with functional dyspepsia )

Authors: Mahbobeh Faramarzi , Parviz Azadfallah , Howard E. Book , kazem Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaei , Hassan Taheri , Javad Shokri-shirvani ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a common cause of upper gastrointestinal symptoms and discomfort. The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of brief core conflictual relationship theme (CCRT) psychoanalytic psychotherapy on changing gastrointestinal symptoms, alexithymia, and defense mechanisms in patients with FD. In a randomized controlled trial study, 49 patients with FD were randomly assigned to medical treatment with brief psychodynamic therapy (24 subjects) or medical treatment alone (25 subjects). Gastrointestinal symptoms, defense mechanisms, and alexithymia were assessed before the trial, after treatment, and at 1- and 12-month follow-ups. The results showed that brief psychodynamic therapy improved all of the gastrointestinal symptoms, including heartburn, nausea, fullness, bloating, upper abdominal pain, and lower abdominal pain, after treatment and at two follow-ups. The CCRT therapy significantly improved many psychological symptoms, including mature defenses, neurotic defenses, immature defenses, difficulties in identifying feelings, difficulties in describing feelings, and total alexithymia score. In conclusion, brief psychodynamic therapy is a reliable method to improve gastrointestinal symptoms, mature defenses, and alexithymia scores in patients with functional dyspepsia.


Functional dyspepsia Defense mechanisms Alexithymia Core conflictual relationship theme
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {محبوبه فرامرزی and پرویز آزادفلاح and هوارد ای بوک and Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaei, Kazem and حسن طاهری and جواد شکری شیروانی},
title = {A randomized controlled trial of brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy in patients with functional dyspepsia},
journal = {Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics},
year = {2013},
volume = {6},
number = {6},
month = {September},
issn = {0973-8398},
pages = {228--234},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {Functional dyspepsia Defense mechanisms Alexithymia Core conflictual relationship theme},


%0 Journal Article
%T A randomized controlled trial of brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy in patients with functional dyspepsia
%A محبوبه فرامرزی
%A پرویز آزادفلاح
%A هوارد ای بوک
%A Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaei, Kazem
%A حسن طاهری
%A جواد شکری شیروانی
%J Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics
%@ 0973-8398
%D 2013
