Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, ( ISI ), Year (2024-5)

Title : ( Inference for the stress-strength parameter of multi-state systems based on records )

Authors: Mohammad Vali Ahmadi , Mahdi Doostparast ,

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Stress-strength models are used to analysis the reliability of the two-state systems. In this paper, the stress-strength model for a multi-state system is discussed. It is assumed that the stress-strength reliability depends on the ratio of strength and stress values. When the stress and the strength random variables follow two independent Weibull distributions, the estimation of the multi-state stress-strength reliability function by various methods is investigated. Specially, the problem of parameter estimation on the basis of the records is studied in details. Furthermore, simulation studies are conducted for comparative purposes. Finally, two illustrative examples are presented.


, Record data; Stress, strength reliability; Multi, state system; Maximum likelihood estimate; Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate; Bayesian estimation
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {محمد ولی احمدی and Doostparast, Mahdi},
title = {Inference for the stress-strength parameter of multi-state systems based on records},
journal = {Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods},
year = {2024},
month = {May},
issn = {0361-0926},
keywords = {Record data; Stress-strength reliability; Multi-state system; Maximum likelihood estimate; Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate; Bayesian estimation},


%0 Journal Article
%T Inference for the stress-strength parameter of multi-state systems based on records
%A محمد ولی احمدی
%A Doostparast, Mahdi
%J Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
%@ 0361-0926
%D 2024
