The European Physical Journal C, Volume (84), No (4), Year (2024-4)

Title : ( An NS-NS basis for odd-parity couplings cm at order $$\alpha '^3$$ )

Authors: Mohammad Reza Garousi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In this study, we thoroughly investigate the covariant and $B$-field gauge invariant odd-parity NS-NS couplings at order $\\\\alpha\\\'^3$, while considering the removal of field redefinitions, Bianchi identities, and total derivative freedoms. Our comprehensive analysis reveals the existence of 477 independent couplings. To establish a specific basis, we construct it in such a way that none of the couplings contain terms involving structures such as $R$, $R_{\\\\mu\\\\nu}$, $\\\\nabla_\\\\mu H^{\\\\mu\\\\alpha\\\\beta}$, $\\\\nabla_\\\\mu\\\\nabla^\\\\mu\\\\Phi$, or terms with more than two derivatives, except for one term that possesses three derivatives on $H$. Interestingly, the mentioned coupling with the four-derivative on the $B$-field is rendered zero by the sphere-level three-point S-matrix element. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the remaining 476 parameters in type II superstring theory are fixed to zero by imposing the requirement that the circular reduction of the couplings remains invariant under $O(1,1,\\\\MZ)$ T-duality transformations. This result is consistent with our expectations and highlights the crucial role played by the $O(1,1,\\\\MZ)$ symmetry in constraining the parameter space of the classical effective actions in string theory.


, T-duality, Effective action
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author = {Garousi, Mohammad Reza},
title = {An NS-NS basis for odd-parity couplings cm at order $$\alpha '^3$$},
journal = {The European Physical Journal C},
year = {2024},
volume = {84},
number = {4},
month = {April},
issn = {1434-6052},
keywords = {T-duality; Effective action},


%0 Journal Article
%T An NS-NS basis for odd-parity couplings cm at order $$\alpha '^3$$
%A Garousi, Mohammad Reza
%J The European Physical Journal C
%@ 1434-6052
%D 2024
