International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ( ISI ), Volume (75), Year (2024-5) , Pages (662-689)

Title : ( Dynamic analysis and multi-objective optimization of solar and hydrogen energy-based systems for residential applications: A review )

Authors: Gamze Soyturk , Sera Ayten Cetinkaya , Matin Aslani Yekta , Mohammad Mahdi Kheiri Joghan , Hanieh Mohebi , Onder Kizilkan , Amir Ghandehariun , Ozgur Colpan , Canan Acar , Samane Ghandehariun ,

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This paper examines the potential of solar and hydrogen (H2) energy-based hybrid energy systems for residential applications. The growing need for energy and the demand for sustainable energy sources have led to the development of integrated energy systems that combine renewable energy resources to meet energy needs. This paper overviews recent studies on hybrid energy systems for on-grid and off-grid residential utilizations. It discusses the system configuration and components of hybrid energy systems, including solar panels, electrolyzers, fuel cells (FC), and batteries. It also covers the technical optimization of integrated energy systems, including sizing, control strategies, and economic analysis. The key findings of this review paper indicate that hybrid energy systems can offer dependable and sustainable energy for residential applications. Through numerical analyses, the optimal dimensioning of the system elements and control strategies can significantly enhance the system’s performance and lower the cost of energy. This study also highlights the challenges and opportunities for integrating hybrid energy systems within residential applications. Overall, it provides in-depth perspectives on the possibilities inherent in solar and hydrogen energy-based hybrid energy systems for residential applications. The findings can guide future research and the advancement of hybrid energy systems for sustainable energy solutions.


, Economic analysis; Hybrid energy systems; Residential applications; Solar, hydrogen integration; System configuration; Technical optimization
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Gamze Soyturk and Sera Ayten Cetinkaya and Matin Aslani Yekta and Mohammad Mahdi Kheiri Joghan and Hanieh Mohebi and Onder Kizilkan and Ghandehariun, Amir and Ozgur Colpan and Canan Acar and Samane Ghandehariun},
title = {Dynamic analysis and multi-objective optimization of solar and hydrogen energy-based systems for residential applications: A review},
journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
year = {2024},
volume = {75},
month = {May},
issn = {0360-3199},
pages = {662--689},
numpages = {27},
keywords = {Economic analysis; Hybrid energy systems; Residential applications; Solar-hydrogen integration; System configuration; Technical optimization},


%0 Journal Article
%T Dynamic analysis and multi-objective optimization of solar and hydrogen energy-based systems for residential applications: A review
%A Gamze Soyturk
%A Sera Ayten Cetinkaya
%A Matin Aslani Yekta
%A Mohammad Mahdi Kheiri Joghan
%A Hanieh Mohebi
%A Onder Kizilkan
%A Ghandehariun, Amir
%A Ozgur Colpan
%A Canan Acar
%A Samane Ghandehariun
%J International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
%@ 0360-3199
%D 2024
