Wireless Personal Communications, ( ISI ), Volume (135), No (4), Year (2024-5) , Pages (2011-2037)

Title : ( An Adaptive Cell Switch Off framework to Increase Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks )

Authors: Seyyed Mohsen Safavi Koohsareh , Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno , mohajerzadeh ,

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Energy efficiency is regarded as a critical concern in modern cellular networks, primarily due to the increasing demand for wireless communication services and the environmental impact associated with energy consumption. In this paper, an innovative approach named ACSO (Adaptive Cell Switch Off) is proposed to optimize energy efficiency in cellular networks. It focusses on leveraging clustering techniques and dynamic CSO (Cell Switch Off) strategies. In this approach, clustering of BSs (Base Station) is performed based on their traffic profiles, and within each cluster, an optimal set of BSs is determined to be switched off at different time intervals. By considering the characteristics of network traffic and spatial distribution, an attempt is made to strike a balance between energy conservation and the maintenance of high QoE (Quality of Experience) for users. Extensive simulations using a real-world dataset are conducted to compare our approach with existing methods, and superior performance is demonstrated in terms of efficient BS selection, algorithm execution time, and user QoE. Additionally, potential future research directions in the area of dynamic CSO are discussed, along with its implications for the development of energy- efficient cellular networks.


Cell switch off · Cellular networks · Energy efficiency · QoE
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author = {Safavi Koohsareh, Seyyed Mohsen and Hosseini Seno, Seyed Amin and امیرحسین مهاجرزاده},
title = {An Adaptive Cell Switch Off framework to Increase Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks},
journal = {Wireless Personal Communications},
year = {2024},
volume = {135},
number = {4},
month = {May},
issn = {0929-6212},
pages = {2011--2037},
numpages = {26},
keywords = {Cell switch off · Cellular networks · Energy efficiency · QoE},


%0 Journal Article
%T An Adaptive Cell Switch Off framework to Increase Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks
%A Safavi Koohsareh, Seyyed Mohsen
%A Hosseini Seno, Seyed Amin
%A امیرحسین مهاجرزاده
%J Wireless Personal Communications
%@ 0929-6212
%D 2024
