Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change , 2024-05-17

Title : ( Planting in closed environment: A strategy for producing saffron under climate change and global warming )

Authors: Soroor Khorramdel , Mohammad Hassan Hatefi Farajian ,

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Today, due to the limitations and threats posed by climatic conditions on the quantity and quality of saffron, there is a suggestion to replace traditional production methods in various areas with production methods in closed environments. One key strategy to enhance the productivity of saffron production systems in response to climate change is the utilization of closed systems and controlled environments. Cultivating saffron in controlled conditions can serve as a viable alternative to conventional methods. Among the modern techniques that have garnered interest from saffron producers are hydroponic and aeroponic cultivation. Hydroponics is a soilless method of plant production, while aeroponics involves plant growth in a misty environment without soil or other substrates, representing a new technology that enhances plant yield and growth rate. These systems significantly reduce water consumption compared to field cultivation, which is crucial given the global water scarcity issue. In recent years, saffron production in major producing countries, including Iran, has declined due to the lack of advancements in cultivation technologies and rising labor costs. The adoption of these innovative methods allows for an extended flowering period, simplified crop management, and improved plant growth without the presence of pests or pathogens. Moreover, controlled environments can mitigate the adverse effects of soil degradation and climate change (e.g., increased salinity and temperatures) while enhancing land use efficiency.


, Climate change, Saffron, Planting in closed environment, Controlled conditions
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Khorramdel, Soroor and Hatefi Farajian, Mohammad Hassan},
title = {Planting in closed environment: A strategy for producing saffron under climate change and global warming},
booktitle = {Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change},
year = {2024},
location = {مجازی, IRAN},
keywords = {Climate change- Saffron- Planting in closed environment- Controlled conditions},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Planting in closed environment: A strategy for producing saffron under climate change and global warming
%A Khorramdel, Soroor
%A Hatefi Farajian, Mohammad Hassan
%J Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change
%D 2024
