Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change , 2024-05-17

Title : ( Synoptic analysis of sudden drop in temperature and its effect on saffron yield in 2023 )

Authors: Seyed Hossein Sanaei Nejad , Khosro Salari , Soroor Khorramdel ,

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Saffron, a perennial herb belonging to the Iris family, reproduces through its corms. This plant thrives in Mediterranean climatic conditions and regions situated between 30 and 50 degrees north latitude and 10 to 80 degrees east longitude, typically in areas with low rainfall, cold winters, and hot summers. The plant\\\'s high economic value, coupled with its management advantages, renders it an attractive option for many farmers. However, in recent years, saffron cultivation has encountered various challenges, including climate-related issues and management obstacles. Notably, the winter of 2023 witnessed an extreme cold wave affecting a significant portion of Razavi Khorasan province, resulting in substantial agricultural losses. While data regarding the specific impact of this cold wave on saffron yield remains limited, available information suggests a stark decline in yield in the affected regions compared to the average. Given that saffron plants retain green leaves during the winter, making them susceptible to severe cold, investigating the origins of such extreme weather events is crucial for better preparedness in the future. A synoptic analysis conducted on the 2023 cold wave revealed its source in higher latitudes, where the movement of a high-pressure system from Siberia towards Khorasan Razavi province brought about the influx of cold air, leading to a significant temperature drop. As these high-pressure systems\\\' formation and movement are primarily influenced by the polar jet stream, future research should explore the impact of climate change on this atmospheric phenomenon. The warming of the North Pole due to global warming is altering the temperature gradient between polar and midlatitude regions, potentially influencing the behavior of the polar jet stream and exacerbating extreme weather events like the one experienced in 2023.


, Synoptic analysis, Climatic Change, Saffron, high, pressure systems, Severe cold, Polar jet stream
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author = {Sanaei Nejad, Seyed Hossein and Salari, Khosro and Khorramdel, Soroor},
title = {Synoptic analysis of sudden drop in temperature and its effect on saffron yield in 2023},
booktitle = {Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change},
year = {2024},
location = {مجازی, IRAN},
keywords = {Synoptic analysis- Climatic Change- Saffron- high-pressure systems- Severe cold- Polar jet stream},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Synoptic analysis of sudden drop in temperature and its effect on saffron yield in 2023
%A Sanaei Nejad, Seyed Hossein
%A Salari, Khosro
%A Khorramdel, Soroor
%J Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change
%D 2024
