Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change , 2024-05-17

Title : ( The effect of climate change and agro-ecological zoning on quality of saffron in Iran )

Authors: Soroor Khorramdel ,

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The average yearly temperature has risen by 0.0067°C over the past 172 years since 1850. This trend has accelerated with annual temperature increases of 0.0155 (since 1951) and 0.0198 (since 1971). As global temperatures continue to rise, the resulting climatic variability, including changes in extreme events\\\' frequency, intensity, timing, and duration, is becoming more severe. These changes significantly impact crop yields and food production systems in developing nations. Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is a plant that thrives in unique ecological niches and plays a vital role in subsistence and family farming systems in Eastern Iran. Six key growth stages of saffron have been identified, from sprouting to corm dormancy. Saffron cultivation can yield good results under various environmental conditions, with warm summers, autumn rains, and mild winters being favorable for high yields. Climate variables like precipitation and temperature greatly influence saffron cultivation, with reports indicating decreasing yields in Iran due to climate change and reduced groundwater levels, primarily driven by high temperatures. The induction of flowering and flower appearance in saffron are complex processes regulated by internal and external cues, such as temperature and precipitation. In Iran, the optimal temperature ranges for flower induction and emergence are 10-30°C and 15.5-22°C, respectively, with temperatures around 23°C and 18°C being ideal. Higher temperatures lead to reduced saffron growth rates and prolonged flowering periods. The best temperature range for flower formation is between 23 and 27°C, with 23°C being slightly more favorable. Saffron quality is intricately linked to climatic conditions and the composition of secondary metabolites like crocins, picrocrocin, and safranal, which contribute to color, bitterness, and aroma, respectively. Climatic factors have a significant impact on saffron quality, with altitude affecting crocin content. Interestingly, safranal content shows a positive correlation with altitude but a negative correlation with precipitation levels.


, Secondary metabolites, Saffron, Crocins, Picrocrocin, Safranal, Temperature, Precipitation, Climate change, Extreme events
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Khorramdel, Soroor},
title = {The effect of climate change and agro-ecological zoning on quality of saffron in Iran},
booktitle = {Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change},
year = {2024},
location = {مجازی, IRAN},
keywords = {Secondary metabolites- Saffron- Crocins- Picrocrocin- Safranal- Temperature- Precipitation- Climate change-Extreme events},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The effect of climate change and agro-ecological zoning on quality of saffron in Iran
%A Khorramdel, Soroor
%J Sustainability of Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in the World in the Era of Climatic Change
%D 2024
