Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Volume (15), No (4), Year (2024-2) , Pages (17188-17212)

Title : ( Asymmetric Impacts of Renewable Energy on Human Development: Exploring the Role of Carbon Emissions, Economic Growth, and Urbanization in European Union Countries )

Authors: Nooshin Karimi Alavijeh , Mohammad Taher Ahmadi Shadmehri , Parisa Esmaeili , Fatemeh Dehdar ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Human development is one of the critical and standard criteria in evaluating countries’ development levels. Although the impact of renewable energy consumption on the human development index (HDI) has been investigated in previous research, the results are contradictory. In addition, there are no studies that examine the asymmetric role of renewable energy, carbon emissions, economic growth, and urbanization on human development in European Union countries. Therefore, this research seeks to fll this gap. In doing so, this study employed a novel method of moments quantile regression (MMQR) using annual data from 2000 to 2019. The preliminary results reject the assumption of data normality; therefore, it is necessary to use MMQR, which can deal with structural changes and non-normality of data. The empirical fndings indicate that renewable energy consumption promotes the human development index in all quantiles except the 0.9 quantile, and it decreases in higher quantiles. Furthermore, economic growth is the strongest infuencing variable, and in higher quantiles, the impact of economic growth on HDI increases. Also, urbanization positively and signifcantly improves HDI in all quantiles (0.1–0.9), although the impact of carbon emissions on human development in all quantiles except 0.9 quantile is negative and signifcant. The results of this study suggest insights for policymakers to improve human development by investing more in the development of renewable energy, facilitating higher quality infrastructure and services such as education, and health services


CO2 emissions · Renewable energy · HDI · Method of moments quantile regressio
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Karimi Alavijeh, Nooshin and Ahmadi Shadmehri, Mohammad Taher and پریسا اسماعیلی and فاطمه دهدار},
title = {Asymmetric Impacts of Renewable Energy on Human Development: Exploring the Role of Carbon Emissions, Economic Growth, and Urbanization in European Union Countries},
journal = {Journal of the Knowledge Economy},
year = {2024},
volume = {15},
number = {4},
month = {February},
issn = {1868-7865},
pages = {17188--17212},
numpages = {24},
keywords = {CO2 emissions · Renewable energy · HDI · Method of moments quantile regressio},


%0 Journal Article
%T Asymmetric Impacts of Renewable Energy on Human Development: Exploring the Role of Carbon Emissions, Economic Growth, and Urbanization in European Union Countries
%A Karimi Alavijeh, Nooshin
%A Ahmadi Shadmehri, Mohammad Taher
%A پریسا اسماعیلی
%A فاطمه دهدار
%J Journal of the Knowledge Economy
%@ 1868-7865
%D 2024
