رفتار حرکتی, سال (2023-1)

عنوان : ( تثیر تصویرسازی کانون توجه درونی و بیرونی نزدیک و دور بر زمان پاسخ کاراته کاهای ماهر )

نویسندگان: علی فتحی زاده , مهدی سهرابی , علیرضا صابری کاخکی ,

بر اساس تصمیم نویسنده مقاله دسترسی به متن کامل برای اعضای غیر دانشگاه ممکن نیست

استناددهی: BibTeX | EndNote


Motor imagery is a complex cognitive action that represents mentally the process of performing a movement (from preparation to the intention). In the current study, the effect of internal versus close- or far-external instruction of attention focusing during motor imagery on response time of four well-trained karate skills was evaluated. In a quasi-experimental design, 43 skilled athletes (24 female and 19 male; mean age: 15.88 ± 4.50) executed the pre-test in front of a researcher-made device. Unexpected visual stimuli were presented randomly by the device, and response times of each skill were recorded by a software synced to the device. Then, each of the Karatekas participated in one of three training groups of imagining, namely, internal attention (7 female, 7 male), close-external attention (6 female, 5 male), far-external attention (6 female, 5 male) in 12 sessions, or in a control group (5 female, 2 male). After performing the post-test identical to pre-test, by carrying out a mixed- model analysis of covariance, the results revealed that there was no significant effect of gender, and only close- external imagery resulted in promoting lower body techniques (p<0.05). However, such an effect did not observe for upper body techniques, and effect of keeping focus of attention on body extremities (internal attentional imagery) and on far outcome of movement (far-external attentional imagery) were not significant (p>0.05). The findings suggest, during mental rehearsal, the analogy of athlete’s external attentional strategy to actual task plays an important role on effectiveness of motor imagery.

کلمات کلیدی

, Movement Imagery, External Focus of Attention, Analogy, Karate Kumite
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {فتحی زاده, علی and سهرابی, مهدی and صابری کاخکی, علیرضا},
title = {تثیر تصویرسازی کانون توجه درونی و بیرونی نزدیک و دور بر زمان پاسخ کاراته کاهای ماهر},
journal = {رفتار حرکتی},
year = {2023},
month = {January},
issn = {2538-273X},
keywords = {Movement Imagery; External Focus of Attention; Analogy; Karate Kumite},


%0 Journal Article
%T تثیر تصویرسازی کانون توجه درونی و بیرونی نزدیک و دور بر زمان پاسخ کاراته کاهای ماهر
%A فتحی زاده, علی
%A سهرابی, مهدی
%A صابری کاخکی, علیرضا
%J رفتار حرکتی
%@ 2538-273X
%D 2023
