Scientific Reports, Volume (14), No (1), Year (2024-2)

Title : ( Dynamic educational recommender system based on Improved LSTM neural network )

Authors: hadis ahmadian yazdi , seyyed javad seyyed mahdavi , Hooman Ahmadian yazdi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Nowadays, virtual learning environments have become widespread to avoid time and space constraints and share high-quality learning resources. As a result of human–computer interaction, student behaviors are recorded instantly. This work aims to design an educational recommendation system according to the individual’s interests in educational resources. This system is evaluated based on clicking or downloading the source with the help of the user so that the appropriate resources can be suggested to users. In online tutorials, in addition to the problem of choosing the right source, we face the challenge of being aware of diversity in users’ preferences and tastes, especially their short- term interests in the near future, at the beginning of a session. We assume that the user’s interests consist of two parts: (1) the user’s long-term interests, which include the user’s constant interests based on the history of the user’s dynamic activities, and (2) the user’s short-term interests, which indicate the user’s current interests. Due to the use of Bilstm networks and their gradual learning feature, the proposed model supports learners’ behavioral changes. An average accuracy of 0.9978 and a Loss of 0.0051 offer more appropriate recommendations than similar works.


, Deep learning networks, Recurrent methods, Educational resource recommender system
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author = {حدیث احمدیان یزدی and سیدجواد سیدمهدوی and Ahmadian Yazdi, Hooman},
title = {Dynamic educational recommender system based on Improved LSTM neural network},
journal = {Scientific Reports},
year = {2024},
volume = {14},
number = {1},
month = {February},
issn = {2045-2322},
keywords = {Deep learning networks; Recurrent methods; Educational resource recommender system},


%0 Journal Article
%T Dynamic educational recommender system based on Improved LSTM neural network
%A حدیث احمدیان یزدی
%A سیدجواد سیدمهدوی
%A Ahmadian Yazdi, Hooman
%J Scientific Reports
%@ 2045-2322
%D 2024
