Discover Life, Volume (54), No (1), Year (2024-7)

Title : ( Identification of climatic and management factors influencing wheat’s yield variability using AgMERRA dataset and DSSAT model across a temperate region )

Authors: masoumeh farhadi , Mohammad Bannayan Aval , Mohammad Hassan Fallah , Mohsen Jahan ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


One of the main challenges of today’s agriculture to ensure food security is developing strategies to deal with potential negative impacts of adaptation to climate variability. This study was conducted to determine climatic and management factors inluencing wheat yield variability throughout a temperate region in Northeastern Iran in the period of 1980–2010. The growth stages and yield of wheat crop were simulated via DSSAT model, using AgMERRA gridded weather dataset. Also, the efect of climatic variables on yield was identiied using Panel Data Regression (PDA). According to the results, 63% of the changes in irrigated wheat yield are explained by climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) and 37% by management factors. PDA revealed that among the climatic variables, the number of days with temperatures above 30 °C during the growing season, mean temperature, as well as amount and frequency of precipitation have a signiicant efect on irrigated wheat yield (p ≤ 0.05). The anagement practices, including provision of inputs such as chemical fertilizers, modiied seeds, tillage machinery and equipment, information transfer and the penetration of knowledge in the ield, would increase yields by 5 kg on average per year in study region. In general, employing efective management methods, in particular selecting the appropriate planting date that could result in better adaptation of the phenological stages of wheat to climatic conditions, thus improving the wheat yield. The results of this research suggest that use of valid AgMERRA meteorological dataset as input for DSSAT crop model could produce reliable simulations which in turn could be employed by food policy and decision makers, farmers, and managers in a temperate region.


Spatiotemporal variables · Simulated data set · Wheat phenology · Climate variability · Growth stage
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Farhadi, Masoumeh and Bannayan Aval, Mohammad and Fallah, Mohammad Hassan and Jahan, Mohsen},
title = {Identification of climatic and management factors influencing wheat’s yield variability using AgMERRA dataset and DSSAT model across a temperate region},
journal = {Discover Life},
year = {2024},
volume = {54},
number = {1},
month = {July},
issn = {2948-2976},
keywords = {Spatiotemporal variables · Simulated data set · Wheat phenology · Climate variability · Growth stage},


%0 Journal Article
%T Identification of climatic and management factors influencing wheat’s yield variability using AgMERRA dataset and DSSAT model across a temperate region
%A Farhadi, Masoumeh
%A Bannayan Aval, Mohammad
%A Fallah, Mohammad Hassan
%A Jahan, Mohsen
%J Discover Life
%@ 2948-2976
%D 2024
