The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023) Tehran, Iran, Autumn2023 , 2023-12-13

Title : ( Coupling of Methanation and Methane Dry Reforming reactions for CO2 Utilization and energy saving )

Authors: Elham Yasari ,

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Both methanation and dry reforming are processes that utilize CO2. One of them generates heat during its reaction (exothermic), while the other absorbs heat (endothermic). Therefore, combining these two processes is a beneficial strategy for conserving energy and reducing energy expenses. The methane produced can serve as a raw material for the dry reforming (DR) process. We conducted simulations to assess the energy exchange resulting from the integration of these two processes. Our findings reveal that approximately 85% of the energy required for the DR process can be met by harnessing the heat generated during methanation. Furthermore, by utilizing the steam produced within the methanation process, the overall energy savings exceed 100%. This means that, under these conditions, there is an excess of energy available for other heat transfer applications within the facility. In contrast, when the reactors are not coupled, the DR process alone demands about 9.5 MW of energy and a significant coolant flow rate is required for the methanation reaction. This integration significantly reduces the heat demand of the DR process and the cooling requirements of the methanation reaction. The initial temperature of the feedstock plays a crucial role in achieving energy savings. Operating at temperatures as high as 350°C may not be advisable as it can jeopardize catalyst stability, making it unsafe to rely on 100% energy supply from methanation.a broader range of products can be obtained, including methane and syngas.


Methanation – Dry reforming – CO2 utilization – integration – energy saving
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Yasari, Elham},
title = {Coupling of Methanation and Methane Dry Reforming reactions for CO2 Utilization and energy saving},
booktitle = {The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023) Tehran, Iran, Autumn2023},
year = {2023},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {Methanation – Dry reforming – CO2 utilization – integration – energy saving},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Coupling of Methanation and Methane Dry Reforming reactions for CO2 Utilization and energy saving
%A Yasari, Elham
%J The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023) Tehran, Iran, Autumn2023
%D 2023
