Physics of Fluids, ( ISI ), Volume (36), No (6), Year (2024-6)

Title : ( Analyzing the influence of dimensions of the body behind the cavitator on ventilated cavitation )

Authors: hosseinali kamali , Mahmoud Pasandidehfard , Ebrahim Kadiva ,

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Investigating the impact of various parameters on the characteristics of supercavitation is an essential and continuously evolving matter. In the current study, the influence of the geometry behind the cavitator on the characteristics of ventilation supercavitation at different Froude numbers and at a constant ventilation coefficient has been investigated. For this purpose, at first, by using the experimental method on a model with a disk cavitator at different Froude numbers, the ventilation cavitation has been investigated and the appropriate numerical method has been validated based on the experimental results. Next, using the numerical method, the effect of filling the cavity volume by geometry with different dimensions and confined inside the cavity on the characteristics of the ventilated supercavity was investigated. Also, the geometry with unlimited length and variable diameter was investigated in order to determine the effect of increasing the diameter on the characteristics of the cavity. The results indicate that increasing the volume of the aft body confined within the supercavity does not have a significant effect on its characteristics. However, increasing the diameter of the aft body caused a significant reduction in the length of the supercavity for the geometry with an infinite body length.


, ventilated cavitation, cavitator, body dimensions, behind
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author = {Kamali, Hosseinali and Pasandidehfard, Mahmoud and ابراهیم کدیور},
title = {Analyzing the influence of dimensions of the body behind the cavitator on ventilated cavitation},
journal = {Physics of Fluids},
year = {2024},
volume = {36},
number = {6},
month = {June},
issn = {1070-6631},
keywords = {ventilated cavitation; cavitator; body dimensions; behind},


%0 Journal Article
%T Analyzing the influence of dimensions of the body behind the cavitator on ventilated cavitation
%A Kamali, Hosseinali
%A Pasandidehfard, Mahmoud
%A ابراهیم کدیور
%J Physics of Fluids
%@ 1070-6631
%D 2024
