Applications and Techniques in Information Security , 2017-07-06

Title : ( Secure Two-Party Computation Using an Efficient Garbled Circuit by Reducing Data Transfer )

Authors: Mohammad-Hossein Yalame , Mohammad-Hossein Farzam , Siavash Bayat-Sarmadi ,

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Secure computation has obtained significant attention in the literature recently. Classic architectures usually use either the Garbled Circuit (GC) or the Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson (GMW) protocols. So far, to reduce the complexity of communications in these protocols, various methods have been proposed. The best known work in both methods reduces the communication up to almost 2k-bits (k is the symmetric security parameter) for each AND gate, and using XOR gate is free. In this paper, by combining GC and GMW, we propose a scheme in the semi-honest adversary model. This scheme requires an Oblivious Transfer (OT) and a 2-bit data transfer for each AND gate, keeping XOR gates free. The analytical results on different applications, including AES, DES, SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5, multiplier, adder, and comparator show that the data transfer size can be reduced up to 52% and 41% when compared to the best known GC and GMW based methods, respectively.


, Secure computation, Secure function evaluation, Garbled Circuit protocol, GMW protocol, Oblivious transfer protocol
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author = {محمدحسین یلمه and Farzam, Mohammad-Hossein and سیاوش بیات سرمدی},
title = {Secure Two-Party Computation Using an Efficient Garbled Circuit by Reducing Data Transfer},
booktitle = {Applications and Techniques in Information Security},
year = {2017},
location = {اوکلند},
keywords = {Secure computation; Secure function evaluation; Garbled Circuit protocol; GMW protocol; Oblivious transfer protocol},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Secure Two-Party Computation Using an Efficient Garbled Circuit by Reducing Data Transfer
%A محمدحسین یلمه
%A Farzam, Mohammad-Hossein
%A سیاوش بیات سرمدی
%J Applications and Techniques in Information Security
%D 2017
