A Guidebook to Internationalizing Iranian Universities , Volume (1), No (1), Year (2024-4) , Pages (69-132)

Title : ( Strategic Planning of Internationalization in the Legal Infrastructure of Iranian Universities: Aligning Faculty Promotion Regulations with Global Standards )

Authors: Azra Ghandeharion ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The internationalization of Iranian universities, as outlined in the country’s 20-year vision, is paramount given the nation’s pursuit of economic self-sufficiency. To achieve this goal, universities must reform their internal regulations to align with global best practices. This article focuses on the critical role of faculty promotion regulations in realizing the internationalization objectives of Iranian universities. By analyzing key documents such as the development program of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the ERASMUS+ program, and the strategic documents of Tehran, Sharif, and Ferdowsi Universities, this study proposes strategic recommendations to align faculty promotion regulations with internationalization goals. The proposed amendments consider the specific needs and resources of Iranian universities, aiming to create a conducive environment for both domestic and international faculty members. The article emphasizes the importance of clear and transparent regulations in motivating faculty members and fostering a culture of excellence. By aligning faculty promotion criteria with international standards, Iranian universities can attract top talent, enhance research collaborations, and contribute to the global knowledge economy.


, internationalization, faculty promotion regulations, strategic planning, higher education, Iran
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ghandeharion, Azra},
title = {Strategic Planning of Internationalization in the Legal Infrastructure of Iranian Universities: Aligning Faculty Promotion Regulations with Global Standards},
journal = {A Guidebook to Internationalizing Iranian Universities },
year = {2024},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
month = {April},
issn = {9786-2259},
pages = {69--132},
numpages = {63},
keywords = {internationalization; faculty promotion regulations; strategic planning; higher education; Iran},


%0 Journal Article
%T Strategic Planning of Internationalization in the Legal Infrastructure of Iranian Universities: Aligning Faculty Promotion Regulations with Global Standards
%A Ghandeharion, Azra
%J A Guidebook to Internationalizing Iranian Universities
%@ 9786-2259
%D 2024
