13th International Congress on Infectious Diseases , 2008-06-19

Title : ( Prevalence of Brucellosis in Equines of Mshhad-Iran )

Authors: Mohammad Mehdi Namavari , Gholam Reza Mohammadi , Yahya Tahamtan ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Brucella which preferently infects cattle, swine, sheep and goat. They can infect the equine according to animal host. Equine’s brucellosis always has found in clinical cases, but there are no many epidemiologic patterns. Studies relation to brucellosis has focused on cattle, sheep, and goats. However, some epidemiological surveys have been carried out to investigation of no domesticated ruminants, such as horse. From January to May 2007, 120 horses were screened for brucella infections in Mashhad-Iran by the Rose Ben- gal and Tube Agglutination Test (RBT, TAT). Blood samples were obtained by venous puncture and transferred to the laboratory under child conditions as soon as possible. Sera from three horses were found positive by RBT and TAT, therefore the prevalence rate (PR) is 2.5 percent. The sample from two stallions that gave a positive reaction in the RBT also had a positive result in the TAT (PR: 2.6%). The positive stallions had no clinical signs related to brucellosis. Just one mare had positive reaction with both test without any clinical sign (PR: 2.3%). In country of Iran, brucellosis was reported in almost all domestic animals, particularly cattle, sheep and goats. Close contact between horses that affect from brucellosis such as cattle, sheep and goat and susceptible hosts constitutes a potential dispersion method for the organism. Although in our study three serum sample had positive results in both the RBT and TAT, the results were considered in epidemiologic analyses were carried out in other horses in the same environmental conditions. In some countries, the test and slaughter policy together with the vaccination of young females is adopted, in others, particularly with regard to sheep and goats; mass vaccination has been recently started. The zoonotic aspects of brucellosis from horse must, therefore, be considered so, the disease is important from the public health standpoint.


, Brucellosis, Horse, Prevalence, Rose Bengal and Tube Agglutination Test (RBT, TAT), Mashhad, IRAN
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {محمد مهدی نام آوری and Mohammadi, Gholam Reza and یحیی تهمتن},
title = {Prevalence of Brucellosis in Equines of Mshhad-Iran},
booktitle = {13th International Congress on Infectious Diseases},
year = {2008},
location = {کوالامپور},
keywords = {Brucellosis;Horse;Prevalence; Rose Bengal and Tube Agglutination Test (RBT; TAT);Mashhad;IRAN},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Prevalence of Brucellosis in Equines of Mshhad-Iran
%A محمد مهدی نام آوری
%A Mohammadi, Gholam Reza
%A یحیی تهمتن
%J 13th International Congress on Infectious Diseases
%D 2008
