International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Volume (18), No (3), Year (2024-8) , Pages (1-11)

Title : ( Efficiency of different microsilica-based mixtures as mulches in sand stabilization )

Authors: Fateme Naghizade Asl , Hamid Reza Asgari , Hojat Emami , Hamed Joneidi Jafari , Mohammad Jafari , Maren Oelbermann ,

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Application of an affordable, eco-friendly and resistant mulch is essential in arid lands which are subjected to wind erosion. It is assumed that the addition of micro-silica improves the mechanical properties of mixtures containing Ca(OH)2 due to the chemical reaction between SiO2 in micro-silica and Ca(OH)2 in the composition of prepared mixtures as mulches. Therefore, this study aims to analyze and compare the efficiency of different microsilica-based mulches in sand stabilization. Different mixtures were prepared through combining micro-silica with clay, lime, gypsum, and cement. Data were analyzed as a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with treatments including 1) mulch type: microsilica-clay-lime, microsilica-clay, microsilica-cement, microsilica-lime, microsilica-clay-gypsum, and microsilica-gypsum; 2) mulch thickness: one and two layers, and 3) time (7 and 60 days) in 3 replications. Penetration resistance (PR), shear strength (SS), threshold friction velocity (V), and soil loss (SL) were measured. Results revealed that except for microsilica-gypsum and microsilica-lime, other mulches could effectively control the movement of sands and improve the mechanical properties. Microsilica-clay-lime and microsilica-cement showed the highest PR (6.02 kgcm-2), SS (7.08, and 6.71 Ncm-2, respectively) and V (18.25 and 18.11 ms-1, respectively), and the lowest SL (no SL) which makes them the most suitable mulches for stabilizing drifting sands.


Drifting sands. Micro silica. Mulch. Penetration resistance. Shear strength. Soil erosion. Stabilization
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {فاطمه نقی زاده اصل and حمیدرضا عسگری and Emami, Hojat and حامد جنیدی جعفری and محمد جعفری and مارن اولبرمن},
title = {Efficiency of different microsilica-based mixtures as mulches in sand stabilization},
journal = {International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
year = {2024},
volume = {18},
number = {3},
month = {August},
issn = {1938-6362},
pages = {1--11},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {Drifting sands. Micro silica. Mulch. Penetration resistance. Shear strength. Soil erosion. Stabilization},


%0 Journal Article
%T Efficiency of different microsilica-based mixtures as mulches in sand stabilization
%A فاطمه نقی زاده اصل
%A حمیدرضا عسگری
%A Emami, Hojat
%A حامد جنیدی جعفری
%A محمد جعفری
%A مارن اولبرمن
%J International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
%@ 1938-6362
%D 2024
