Geomechanics and Engineering, Volume (38), No (3), Year (2024-8) , Pages (261-273)

Title : ( The exact bearing capacity of strip footings on reinforced slopes using slip line method )

Authors: Majd Tarraf , Ehsan Seyedi Hosseininia ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


This study presents a groundbreaking analytical approach to find an exact solution for the bearing capacity of strip footings on reinforced slopes, utilizing the two-phase approach and slip line method. The two-phase approach is considered as a generalized homogenization technique. The slip line method is leveraged to derive the stress field as a lower bound solution and the velocity field as an upper bound solution, thereby facilitating the attainment of an exact solution. The key finding points out the variation of the bearing capacity factor N with influencing factors including the backfill soil friction angle, the footing setback distance from the slope crest edge, slope angle, strength, and volumetric fraction of inclusion layers. The results are evaluated by comparing them with those of relevant studies in the literature considering analytical and experimental studies. Through the application of the two-phase approach, it becomes feasible to determine the tensile loads mobilized along the inclusion layers associated with the failure zone. It is attempted to demonstrate the results by utilizing non-dimensional graphs to clearly illustrate variable impacts on reinforced soil stability. This research contributes significantly to advancing geotechnical engineering practices, specifically in the realm of static design considerations for reinforced soil structures.


bearing capacity; exact solution; footings/foundations; reinforced soils; setback distance; slip line method; two phase approach
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author = {Tarraf, Majd and Seyedi Hosseininia, Ehsan},
title = {The exact bearing capacity of strip footings on reinforced slopes using slip line method},
journal = {Geomechanics and Engineering},
year = {2024},
volume = {38},
number = {3},
month = {August},
issn = {2005-307X},
pages = {261--273},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {bearing capacity; exact solution; footings/foundations; reinforced soils; setback distance; slip line method; two phase approach},


%0 Journal Article
%T The exact bearing capacity of strip footings on reinforced slopes using slip line method
%A Tarraf, Majd
%A Seyedi Hosseininia, Ehsan
%J Geomechanics and Engineering
%@ 2005-307X
%D 2024
