Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, ( ISI ), Volume (207), Year (2025-1) , Pages (114818-114832)

Title : ( Prioritizing industrial wastes and technologies for bioenergy production: Case study )

Authors: fatemeh najafi , Mostafa Kazemi , Ali Mostafaeipour , Phoolenrda Mishra ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Energy supply stability in the industrial sector is crucial to maintain operational efficiency and avoiding costly disruptions. In the face of pressing environmental challenges, transitioning to sustainable, efficient, and eco- friendly energy sources is imperative. This study aims to assess the potential of industrial waste for bioenergy production in Khorasan Province, Iran, addressing the research gap of developing a comprehensive framework of criteria that was lacking in previous studies. Employing a combined technology and material assessment methodology, the research began with the collection and analysis of questionnaires to identify and weight critical criteria using Shannon Entropy and expert insights. The Additive Ratio Assessment method was then used to rank various types of industrial waste and technologies according to established value criteria. The Findings reveal that anaerobic digestion of organic waste emerges as the most viable bioenergy solution with an 85 % desirability score, followed by anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and gasification of plastic waste, scoring 77.31 % and 69.41 %, respectively. The innovative aspect of this study is the development and implementation of five novel evaluation criteria, including process temperature, technology lifetime, production cost, waste collection cost, and waste separation cost, which have not been previously applied to the assessment of industrial waste for renewable energy production, especially in developing countries.


, Waste management Bioenergy Pollution control Multi, criteria decision, making (MCDM) Environmental impact
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Najafi, Fatemeh and Kazemi, Mostafa and علی مصطفایی پور and میشرا},
title = {Prioritizing industrial wastes and technologies for bioenergy production: Case study},
journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
year = {2025},
volume = {207},
month = {January},
issn = {1364-0321},
pages = {114818--114832},
numpages = {14},
keywords = {Waste management Bioenergy Pollution control Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) Environmental impact},


%0 Journal Article
%T Prioritizing industrial wastes and technologies for bioenergy production: Case study
%A Najafi, Fatemeh
%A Kazemi, Mostafa
%A علی مصطفایی پور
%A میشرا
%J Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
%@ 1364-0321
%D 2025
