Title : ( Continuous-Time Distributed Generalized Nash Equilibrium Seeking in Nonsmooth Fuzzy Aggregative Games )
Authors: Jingxin Liu , Xiaofeng Liao , Jin-Song Dong , Amin Mansoori ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
This article explores the variational generalized Nash equilibrium seeking for a class of fuzzy aggregative games, where each player’s cost function is fuzzy and nonsmooth, and the strategy profile is constrained by a coupling nonlinear inequality, a affine coupling equality with α-cuts and heterogeneous local convex sets. Under the differential inclusion framework, a continuous-time distributed algorithm with a derivative feedback term is proposed. Benefiting from this algorithm, each player is assigned several auxiliary variables to share with its neighbors and estimate the aggregate function, so that the important information such as cost functions, constraints, and decisions are privatized. Based on fuzzy optimization and nonsmooth analysis, the asymptotic convergence of the algorithm to generalized Nash equilibrium is rigorously proved, and the convergence is not affected by the initial strategy profile of the players. Moreover, two application instances are used to demonstrate the theoretical results.
, Continuous-time distributed algorithm, fuzzy aggregative games, generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE), nonsmooth analysis@article{paperid:1099985,
author = {Jingxin Liu and Xiaofeng Liao and Jin-Song Dong and Mansoori, Amin},
title = {Continuous-Time Distributed Generalized Nash Equilibrium Seeking in Nonsmooth Fuzzy Aggregative Games},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems},
year = {2024},
volume = {11},
number = {3},
month = {September},
issn = {2325-5870},
pages = {1262--1274},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {Continuous-time distributed algorithm; fuzzy aggregative games; generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE); nonsmooth analysis},
%0 Journal Article
%T Continuous-Time Distributed Generalized Nash Equilibrium Seeking in Nonsmooth Fuzzy Aggregative Games
%A Jingxin Liu
%A Xiaofeng Liao
%A Jin-Song Dong
%A Mansoori, Amin
%J IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
%@ 2325-5870
%D 2024