Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume (115), No (115), Year (2024-11) , Pages (105758-105758)

Title : ( Projects as game changers for navigating sustainability transitions in societies: Multi-level effects from micro-level decisions )

Authors: Amir Bahadorestani , Nasser Motahari Farimani , Jan Terje Karlsen ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Sustainable development and sustainability transitions are becoming increasingly significant in research and practice due to immense challenges that social, economic, and environmental ecosystems are grappling with, such as climate change. Projects as interventions are game-changers in addressing these challenges, as decisions made in projects impact both project success and sustainability transition trajectories in societies. This study developed a conceptual framework through which the cruciality of decisions in different scenarios is evaluated to showcase how the priority of project managers\\\' decisions at the project level (i.e., micro-level) not only impacts the same level but also has butterfly effects on overall sustainability transitions at the broader societal levels (i.e., meso-level and macro-level). To reflect real-world complexities, we drew on various perspectives and theories, namely projects-as-interventions perspective, project-as-practice perspective, socio-technical perspective, actor-network theory, and decision theory, along with comparative analysis. The findings underscored that the project managers\\\' awareness of sustainability transitions throughout the project life cycle (PLC) may change the prioritization and cruciality of decisions, and those can subsequently trigger societal sustainability transitions. Besides, the sensitivity of decision-making in line with sustainability in international and regional projects is more than in national and local projects. Therefore, this study primarily contributes to making sustainable decisions within projects while navigating sustainability transitions at the thebroader societal levels.


, Project, Society, Game-Changer, Intervention, Sustainability, Sustainability transition, Sustainable development, Decision-making, Sustainable decision, Innovation, Future-Making
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {امیر بهادرستانی and Motahari Farimani, Nasser and جان ترجی کارلسن},
title = {Projects as game changers for navigating sustainability transitions in societies: Multi-level effects from micro-level decisions},
journal = {Sustainable Cities and Society},
year = {2024},
volume = {115},
number = {115},
month = {November},
issn = {2210-6707},
pages = {105758--105758},
numpages = {0},
keywords = {Project; Society; Game-Changer; Intervention; Sustainability; Sustainability transition; Sustainable development; Decision-making; Sustainable decision; Innovation; Future-Making},


%0 Journal Article
%T Projects as game changers for navigating sustainability transitions in societies: Multi-level effects from micro-level decisions
%A امیر بهادرستانی
%A Motahari Farimani, Nasser
%A جان ترجی کارلسن
%J Sustainable Cities and Society
%@ 2210-6707
%D 2024
