Erwerbs-Obstbau, Volume (64), No (4), Year (2022-12) , Pages (697-701)

Title : ( A Review on Breeding Fruit Trees Against Climate Changes )

Authors: Pegah SayyadAmin ,

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Abstract Climate change has an impact on water availability, temperature, etc. Therefore, making plants tolerant to such conditions is important. This study provides novel insights into strengthening fruit breeding programs against global warming and climate change by using regulated water deficit strategies and the application of plant growth regulators and nutrient fertilizers in order to increase fruit trees’ resistance and select the most tolerant species. In a second stage, a critical component of fruit breeding is the identification of genes involved in improving water-use efficiency, which may provide genetic tools for early trait assessment in fruit breeding programs.


, dormancy , drought , fertilizer, growth regulator , heat
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {SayyadAmin, Pegah},
title = {A Review on Breeding Fruit Trees Against Climate Changes},
journal = {Erwerbs-Obstbau},
year = {2022},
volume = {64},
number = {4},
month = {December},
issn = {0014-0309},
pages = {697--701},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {dormancy - drought - fertilizer- growth regulator - heat},


%0 Journal Article
%T A Review on Breeding Fruit Trees Against Climate Changes
%A SayyadAmin, Pegah
%J Erwerbs-Obstbau
%@ 0014-0309
%D 2022
