Iranian Politics and Law Quarterly, Volume (2), No (2), Year (2024-9) , Pages (17-28)

Title : ( The Continuity of the Political Phenomenon in Ancient Iranian Myths within the Gathas )

Authors: Rohollah Eslami SHabjare , Jamal mokhtari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The pivotal term \\\"Khshatra/xšaθra\\\" in Zoroaster\\\'s Gathas denotes power relations, dominion, and kinship. The Iranian sovereign embodies force and the amalgamation of the Amesha Spentas’ attributes bestowed by Ahura Mazda. The inception of Iran’s prosperity in the Gathas manifests through the emergence of the monarchical phenomenon of Shahanshahi. To establish the institution of sovereignty, power must first concentrate on earth, and to consolidate this institution, myths come into play. As myths transition into religion in the form of the true faith, power becomes concentrated. The terrestrialization of the sacred through the institution of monarchy characterizes the politics of ancient Iran. Shahanshahi is an institution that emerges upon the establishment of civilization. Zoroaster\\\'s mission summoned to civilization, development, and sedentarization, heralding economic-social transformation from pastoral to agrarian life. This research employs phenomenology to pose: How does politics manifest in Zoroaster\\\'s Gathas? Our hypothesis: The political phenomenon has a mythological foundation, continues the Amesha Spentas, and through myth\\\'s transition to the true faith, embodies in the monarchy shaping Iran\\\'s prosperity.


, Shahanshahi , Khshathra , Country , Amesha Spentas , Gathas , Prosperity
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Eslami SHabjare, Rohollah and Mokhtari, Jamal},
title = {The Continuity of the Political Phenomenon in Ancient Iranian Myths within the Gathas},
journal = {Iranian Politics and Law Quarterly},
year = {2024},
volume = {2},
number = {2},
month = {September},
issn = {****-0228},
pages = {17--28},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {Shahanshahi ; Khshathra ; Country ; Amesha Spentas ; Gathas ; Prosperity},


%0 Journal Article
%T The Continuity of the Political Phenomenon in Ancient Iranian Myths within the Gathas
%A Eslami SHabjare, Rohollah
%A Mokhtari, Jamal
%J Iranian Politics and Law Quarterly
%@ ****-0228
%D 2024
