Renewable Energy, ( ISI ), Volume (237), Year (2024-10) , Pages (121683-121697)

Title : ( The effect of ultrasonic waves on the structure, morphology, and thermal conductivity of graphene oxide as nanofluids for direct absorption solar collector application )

Authors: mahbobeh javidi , Mohammad Hassan Entezari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


This research aims to explore how ultrasonic waves affect the structure and morphology of graphene oxide (GO) as a nanofluid, influencing its thermal conductivity (TC), stability, and photo-thermal conversion properties. GO was rapidly synthesized under ultrasonic bath irradiation using modified and improved Hummers’ methods. Ultrasonic irradiation creates different structural and morphological defects in the GO that depend on the son­ ication time. The relationship between the exposure time to ultrasound and the creation of structural and morphological defects in graphene oxide nanosheets was investigated using UV–Vis, FTIR, Raman spectros­ copies, AFM, and TEM analysis. The study examined how the structure and morphology of graphene oxide nanosheets affect the thermophysical and photo-thermal conversion properties of nanofluids by comparing heat transfer and stability. The simultaneous characterizing of the structure and morphology indicates that TC and stability are related to the sonication time. Indirect sonication with low intensity can carefully control the oxidation reaction of GO. Sonication for 30 min creates GO nanosheets that yield stable nanofluids with a 32.31 % enhancement in TC, with no extra treatment needed. This particular nanofluid has excellent photo-thermal conversion properties thanks to its high optical absorption, good stability, and thermal conductivity. This can increase the solar-thermal conversion efficiency (η) up to 72.5 %, making it a promising candidate for use as the working fluid in direct absorption solar collectors (DASCs)


, Graphene oxide Nanofluid Photo, thermal conversion Stability Thermal conductivity Ultrasonic waves
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Javidi , Mahbobeh and Entezari, Mohammad Hassan},
title = {The effect of ultrasonic waves on the structure, morphology, and thermal conductivity of graphene oxide as nanofluids for direct absorption solar collector application},
journal = {Renewable Energy},
year = {2024},
volume = {237},
month = {October},
issn = {0960-1481},
pages = {121683--121697},
numpages = {14},
keywords = {Graphene oxide Nanofluid Photo-thermal conversion Stability Thermal conductivity Ultrasonic waves},


%0 Journal Article
%T The effect of ultrasonic waves on the structure, morphology, and thermal conductivity of graphene oxide as nanofluids for direct absorption solar collector application
%A Javidi , Mahbobeh
%A Entezari, Mohammad Hassan
%J Renewable Energy
%@ 0960-1481
%D 2024
