International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, ( ISI ), Volume (180), Year (2025-2) , Pages (109397-109397)

Title : ( Soft computing for the posterior of a matrix t graphical network )

Authors: J. Pillay , A. Bekker , J. Ferreira , Mohammad Arashi ,

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Modeling noisy data in a network context remains an unavoidable obstacle; fortunately, random matrix theory may comprehensively describe network environments. Noisy data necessitates the probabilistic characterization of these networks using matrix variate models. Denoising network data using a Bayesian approach is not common in surveyed literature. Therefore, this paper adopts the Bayesian viewpoint and introduces a new version of the matrix variate t graphical network. This model\\\\\\\'s prior beliefs rely on the matrix variate gamma distribution to handle the noise process flexibly; from a statistical learning viewpoint, such a theoretical consideration benefits the comprehension of structures and processes that cause network-based noise in data as part of machine learning and offers real-world interpretation. A proposed Gibbs algorithm is provided for computing and approximating the resulting posterior probability distribution of interest to assess the considered model\\\\\\\'s network centrality measures. Experiments with synthetic and real-world stock price data are performed to validate the proposed algorithm\\\\\\\'s capabilities and show that this model has wider flexibility than the model proposed by [13].


Adjacency matrixBayesian networkGaussian graphical modelMatrix variate gamma distributionMatrix variate tPrecision matrixStock price data
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {پیلای، ج and بکر، آ and فریرا، ی and Arashi, Mohammad},
title = {Soft computing for the posterior of a matrix t graphical network},
journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
year = {2025},
volume = {180},
month = {February},
issn = {0888-613X},
pages = {109397--109397},
numpages = {0},
keywords = {Adjacency matrixBayesian networkGaussian graphical modelMatrix variate gamma distributionMatrix variate tPrecision matrixStock price data},


%0 Journal Article
%T Soft computing for the posterior of a matrix t graphical network
%A پیلای، ج
%A بکر، آ
%A فریرا، ی
%A Arashi, Mohammad
%J International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
%@ 0888-613X
%D 2025
