contributions to siberian igcp 410/421 joint meeting , 2001-08-23

Title : icriodus and polygnathus conodont fauna; late devonian from east and middle- late devonian from nort ( icriodus and polygnathus conodont fauna; late devonian from east and middle- late devonian from nort )

Authors: Ali reza Ashouri ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote



برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ashouri, Ali Reza},
title = {icriodus and polygnathus conodont fauna; late devonian from east and middle- late devonian from nort},
booktitle = {contributions to siberian igcp 410/421 joint meeting},
year = {2001},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T icriodus and polygnathus conodont fauna; late devonian from east and middle- late devonian from nort
%A Ashouri, Ali Reza
%J contributions to siberian igcp 410/421 joint meeting
%D 2001
