Iranian International Journal of Science, Year (2003-3)

Title : Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran ( Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran )

Authors: Ali reza Ashouri ,

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Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran


, Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ashouri, Ali Reza},
title = {Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran},
journal = {Iranian International Journal of Science},
year = {2003},
month = {March},
issn = {1607-4033},
keywords = {Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region; Eastern iran},


%0 Journal Article
%T Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran
%A Ashouri, Ali Reza
%J Iranian International Journal of Science
%@ 1607-4033
%D 2003
