Title : Global Soil Proverbs, Cultural Language of the Soil
Proverbs are truths that link one generation to another. They have been passed down through millennia to provide advice about how to live life. Every country has a vast archive of proverbs that have been transferred orally from generation to generation. The very name “proverb” indicates that they originated “before” (Latin, pro) the written “word” (Latin, verbum). Ever since our ancestors settled down and started to farm the soil, proverbs have been used to communicate knowledge. Many proverbs about soils are available globally, but no effort has been made within the soil science community to compile and integrate them into a comprehensive book. Therefore, the International Union of Soil Sciences has published this book on soil proverbs. The objective of the book is to collect soil proverbs and, through them, share insights about philosophy, culture, and life in each country, as they relate to soils. The book has 32 chapters from 29 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania. In each chapter, authors provide soil proverbs in both English and their native language. Chapters are illustrated with pictures related to the proverbs. Some themes are common, such as the need to sustain the soil to sustain humanity, while other themes are particular to a country due to its geography and climate, such as “The peas can be sown when the fi rst swallows come” (Russia) or “If you want to store wheat, plow lowland areas” (Tunisia). Thebook is written both for soil scientists and the general public. Readers will see the diversity of proverbs from the different countries, but each one is written in its own beautiful language. The proverbs willprovide soil wisdom from many countries and show how we all are connected through the soil.
Soil, Proverb, Soil, Proverb