Journal of Applied Animal Research, ( ISI ), Volume (31), No (1), Year (2007-3) , Pages (101-104)

Title : Effect of fumitory, celery and lemon on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan diabetic rats ( Effect of Fumitory, Celery and Lemon on Blood Glucose and Histopathology of Pancreas of Alloxan Diabetic Rats )

Authors: MOHSEN MALEKI , غلام علی جلودار , شهرام سیروس ,

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This study was performed to investigate hypoglycemic effect of fumitory leaf, celery leaf and lemon recommended in Persian folklore medicine as beneficial in treatment of diabetes and their possible effect on pancreatic tissue. Diabetes mellitus was induced in 20 adult male Sprague Dawley rats, by intraperitoneal injection of alloxan (185 mg/kg). The diabetic rats were divided into four groups; three of them fed a diet supplemented with 15 grams of the mentioned plants for 15 days. Fourth diabetic untreated group (positive control) and a non-diabetic group (negative control) received standard diet. Volume density of β cells and islets, percent of β cells, number of islets per square centimeter and average area of islets was recorded. Fumitory and celery reduced blood glucose significantly compared with diabetic untreated group (10.71 and 11.17 vs. 14.36 mmol/l) (P<0.05). In control positive and groups treated with plants all mentioned histomorphometric factors were significantly changed in comparison with control negative except number of islets per square centimeter, which increased in fumitory group. In conclusion fumitory leaf and celery have shown potential hypoglycemic effect and the results support the traditional use of these plants for controlling hyperglycemia


, Fumitory, celery, lemon, alloxan, diabetes, histopathology, pancreas
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {MALEKI, MOHSEN and غلام علی جلودار and شهرام سیروس},
title = {Effect of fumitory, celery and lemon on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan diabetic rats},
journal = {Journal of Applied Animal Research},
year = {2007},
volume = {31},
number = {1},
month = {March},
issn = {0971-2119},
pages = {101--104},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {Fumitory; celery; lemon; alloxan; diabetes; histopathology; pancreas},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of fumitory, celery and lemon on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan diabetic rats
%A غلام علی جلودار
%A شهرام سیروس
%J Journal of Applied Animal Research
%@ 0971-2119
%D 2007
