Journal of Food Engineering, ( ISI ), Volume (81), No (1), Year (2007-3) , Pages (209-217)

Title : The physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety: Part I. Geometrical properties ( The physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety: Part I. Geometrical properties )

Authors: Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi , , Ali Rafe , Asad Mohammad amini ,

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Some geometrical properties of five major commercial Iranian pistachio varieties were evaluated as a function of moisture content. The moisture content of five varieties ranged from their harvest moisture content to a minimum of about 3-5% for nuts and 4-6% for kernels. The results showed that the length, width, height, sphericity, surface area, geometric and arithmetic mean diameters of pistachio nuts decreased and the shell splitting increased with decreasing moisture content. Corresponding values for pistachio kernels gave similar results. The relationships between the geometrical properties and moisture content of pistachio nuts and their kernels were obtained linearly as represented by regression equations.


Length; Width; Height; Shell splitting; Mean diameter; Sphericity; Surface area
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author = {Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Ali and , and Rafe, Ali and Mohammad Amini, Asad},
title = {The physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety: Part I. Geometrical properties},
journal = {Journal of Food Engineering},
year = {2007},
volume = {81},
number = {1},
month = {March},
issn = {0260-8774},
pages = {209--217},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {Length; Width; Height; Shell splitting; Mean diameter; Sphericity; Surface area},


%0 Journal Article
%T The physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety: Part I. Geometrical properties
%A Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Ali
%A ,
%A Rafe, Ali
%A Mohammad Amini, Asad
%J Journal of Food Engineering
%@ 0260-8774
%D 2007
