AHAT-BSAS International Conference, 14-18 Nov. 2005, Khon-Kaen, Thialand , 2005-11-14
Title : effect of low concentration of allatoxin B1 in the diet on performance, blood enzymes and organ weights of broiler chickens ( effect of low concentration of allatoxin B1 in the diet on performance, blood enzymes and organ weights of broiler chickens )
Authors: Hassan Kermanshahi ,File:
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author = {Kermanshahi, Hassan},
title = {effect of low concentration of allatoxin B1 in the diet on performance, blood enzymes and organ weights of broiler chickens},
booktitle = {AHAT-BSAS International Conference, 14-18 Nov. 2005, Khon-Kaen, Thialand},
year = {2005},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T effect of low concentration of allatoxin B1 in the diet on performance, blood enzymes and organ weights of broiler chickens
%A Kermanshahi, Hassan
%J AHAT-BSAS International Conference, 14-18 Nov. 2005, Khon-Kaen, Thialand
%D 2005