6th International ASME Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels , 2008-06-23

Title : The effects of water injections in wet steam flow in different regions of mini laval nozzle ( The effects of water injections in wet steam flow in different regions of mini laval nozzle )

Authors: Mohammad Reza Mahpeykar , Ehsan amirirad , ,

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in turbine steam expansion, the vapour first supercools and then condenses spotaneously to become a two phase mixture. the flow initially is single phase but after wilson point water droplets are developed and behavior of the liquid create problems that lower the performance of the turbine wet stage and the mechanisms underlying this are insufficiently understood. this growing droplets release their latent heat to the flow and this heat addition to the supersonic flows cause a pressure rise called condensation shock. because of irreversible heat transfer in this region the entropy will increase tremendously. removal of condensates from wet steam flow in the last stage of steam turbines significantly promotes stage efficiency and prevents erosion of rotors.


, steam, turbine, cascades, two phase flow,
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author = {Mahpeykar, Mohammad Reza and Amirirad, Ehsan and , },
title = {The effects of water injections in wet steam flow in different regions of mini laval nozzle},
booktitle = {6th International ASME Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels},
year = {2008},
location = {Darmstadt, GERMANY},
keywords = {steam; turbine; cascades; two phase flow;},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The effects of water injections in wet steam flow in different regions of mini laval nozzle
%A Mahpeykar, Mohammad Reza
%A Amirirad, Ehsan
%A ,
%J 6th International ASME Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels
%D 2008
