PVP2006-ICVT-11 (ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference , 2006-07-23
عنوان : On the Fatigue Life Preduction of Die-Marked Drillpipes ( On the Fatigue Life Preduction of Die-Marked Drillpipes )
نویسندگان: خلیل فرهنگ دوست ,فایل:
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author = {فرهنگ دوست, خلیل},
title = {On the Fatigue Life Preduction of Die-Marked Drillpipes},
booktitle = {PVP2006-ICVT-11 (ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference},
year = {2006},
location = {ونکوور, كانادا},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T On the Fatigue Life Preduction of Die-Marked Drillpipes
%A فرهنگ دوست, خلیل
%J PVP2006-ICVT-11 (ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference
%D 2006