8th iranian statistical conference-shiraz , 2006-08-22

Title : ( Estimation using ordered data in a mixture of normals based on evidential analysis )

Authors: Mohammad Arashi , Mahdi Emadi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Often, in the essence of practical situations, some distribution functions come up with a finite mixture model for multinomial observations. To do inference for the mixture proportion and the parameters of a mixture of two Normal distributions using ordered data based on evidential analysis, we consider the misleading and weak evidences to obtain the true decision for underlying hypotheses.


, Statistical evidence, likelihood ratio, finite mixture distribution
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author = {Arashi, Mohammad and Emadi, Mahdi},
title = {Estimation using ordered data in a mixture of normals based on evidential analysis},
booktitle = {8th iranian statistical conference-shiraz},
year = {2006},
location = {shiraz, IRAN},
keywords = {Statistical evidence; likelihood ratio; finite mixture distribution},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Estimation using ordered data in a mixture of normals based on evidential analysis
%A Arashi, Mohammad
%A Emadi, Mahdi
%J 8th iranian statistical conference-shiraz
%D 2006
