13th PHD symposium of applied science in agriculture and biology , 2007-10-17

Title : ( Stress Distribution in Watermelon (cv. ‘Crimson sweet’) Under Axial Compression )

Authors: Hassan Sadrnia , A. Rajabipour , A. Jafari , A. Javadi , Y. Mostofi , J. Kafashan , E. Dintwa , J. De Baerdemaerker ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote




برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Sadrnia, Hassan and A. Rajabipour and A. Jafari and A. Javadi and Y. Mostofi and J. Kafashan and E. Dintwa and J. De Baerdemaerker},
title = {Stress Distribution in Watermelon (cv. ‘Crimson sweet’) Under Axial Compression},
booktitle = {13th PHD symposium of applied science in agriculture and biology},
year = {2007},
location = {لوون},
keywords = {ندارد},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Stress Distribution in Watermelon (cv. ‘Crimson sweet’) Under Axial Compression
%A Sadrnia, Hassan
%A A. Rajabipour
%A A. Jafari
%A A. Javadi
%A Y. Mostofi
%A J. Kafashan
%A E. Dintwa
%A J. De Baerdemaerker
%J 13th PHD symposium of applied science in agriculture and biology
%D 2007
