2nd international conference on innovations in food processing technology and engineering , 2005-01-11

Title : ( Evaluation of the acidified hot-break process effect and heating methods on tomato paste quality )

Authors: Mostafa Mazaheri Tehrani , Sayed Ali Mortazavi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Tomato paste is one of the main tomato products. So, improving its charachtristics is considerable concern. In this study the effect of heating whole tomatoes and acidified hot-break process on the improvement consistency and other attributes of the paste obtained from Caljn3 variety was investigated. The results showed that the effect of these treatments on cosistancy and flavore improvement was significant, so that heating whole tomatoes at 85 °C could cause less pectin loss and improve the consistency. But the a/b ratio of color decreased due to oxidation of lycopen and long heating time needed to reach the temperature of of fruit center to the desired temperature. The obtained a/b value was not significant, compared to the acceptable ratio (2.15). Hot break at pH<3.5 showed smilar effects on pectin and consistency, but had no effect on the color value. In addition the prodouced paste had better sensory properties due to the salt formtion during nutrilization of acid with caustic. The mutual effects of treatments caused a significant decrease in tomato paste consistency, especially at pH< 2.5, because of the pectin decomposition.


, Tomato paste, Acidified hot-break process, Heating whole tomatoes, cosistency improvement.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Mazaheri Tehrani, Mostafa and Mortazavi, Sayed Ali},
title = {Evaluation of the acidified hot-break process effect and heating methods on tomato paste quality},
booktitle = {2nd international conference on innovations in food processing technology and engineering},
year = {2005},
location = {بانکوک},
keywords = {Tomato paste; Acidified hot-break process; Heating whole tomatoes; cosistency improvement.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Evaluation of the acidified hot-break process effect and heating methods on tomato paste quality
%A Mazaheri Tehrani, Mostafa
%A Mortazavi, Sayed Ali
%J 2nd international conference on innovations in food processing technology and engineering
%D 2005
