Materials and Design, ( ISI ), Volume (30), Year (2009-2) , Pages (3795-3801)

Title : ( Low velocity impact analysis of laminated composite plates using a 3D elasticity based layerwise FEM )

Authors: AliReza Setoodeh , P. Malekzadeh , K. Nikbin ,

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A three-dimensional elasticity based approach coupled with layerwise laminated plate theory are employed to conduct low velocity impact analyses of general fiber reinforced laminated composite plates. The computation algorithm is finite element method. A computer code named IMPLW3D (Impact response, 3D elasticity based layerwise approach) is developed for the purpose. Hertzian nonlinear contact law models the contact forces between the rigid projectile and the laminated plate. The convergence, stability and accuracy of the algorithm are verified by solving different examples. The results predicted by the IMPLW3D code are compared with those developed by the ABAQUS software and the available solutions from open literature. Finally, the effects of the impact velocity, mass of the impactor, anisotropic material properties on the impact response are examined.


A. Polymer–matrix composites B. Laminates E. Impact
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author = {Setoodeh, AliReza and P. Malekzadeh and K. Nikbin},
title = {Low velocity impact analysis of laminated composite plates using a 3D elasticity based layerwise FEM},
journal = {Materials and Design},
year = {2009},
volume = {30},
month = {February},
issn = {0261-3069},
pages = {3795--3801},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {A. Polymer–matrix composites B. Laminates E. Impact},


%0 Journal Article
%T Low velocity impact analysis of laminated composite plates using a 3D elasticity based layerwise FEM
%A Setoodeh, AliReza
%A P. Malekzadeh
%A K. Nikbin
%J Materials and Design
%@ 0261-3069
%D 2009
