Ninth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity assessment, ESIA9 , 2007-10-14

Title : ( Influence of structural defects on the beneficiary effect of autofrettage )

Authors: Saeid Hadidi Moud , Hadi Makari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


A comprehensive numerical study has been carried out to investigate and to explore the impact of the presence of part through surface cracks of various size and orientation in a thick welded ferritic steel cylindrical vessel, on the beneficiary effect of autofrettage (AF) loading. It is well known that autofrettage loading enhances the load carrying capacity of defect free pressure vessels. The results of this study suggest that in presence of cracks, the localised near crack tip residual stress fields interact with in service stresses and influence the enhancement in load carrying capacity of autofrettaged vessel. Furthermore it is concluded that depending on the crack/loading configuration the impact of crack presence on post-autofrettage performance of the vessel varies from noticeable in some cases to marginal in others to negligible for cases where the crack tip stress field is not significantly disturbed by the service loads.


, Autofrettage, surface part through cracks, pressure vessel, residual stress, FEM
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author = {Hadidi Moud, Saeid and Makari, Hadi},
title = {Influence of structural defects on the beneficiary effect of autofrettage},
booktitle = {Ninth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity assessment, ESIA9},
year = {2007},
location = {Beijing},
keywords = {Autofrettage; surface part through cracks; pressure vessel; residual stress; FEM},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Influence of structural defects on the beneficiary effect of autofrettage
%A Hadidi Moud, Saeid
%A Makari, Hadi
%J Ninth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity assessment, ESIA9
%D 2007
