British Society of Animal Science , 2009-04-04

Title : ( The chemical composition, in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products )

Authors: Abbas Ali Naserian , atiye bohluli , mohsen sari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The chemical composition, in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products


, The chemical composition, in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Naserian, Abbas Ali and Bohluli, Atiye and Sari, Mohsen},
title = {The chemical composition, in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products},
booktitle = {British Society of Animal Science},
year = {2009},
location = {ENGLAND},
keywords = {The chemical composition; in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The chemical composition, in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products
%A Naserian, Abbas Ali
%A Bohluli, Atiye
%A Sari, Mohsen
%J British Society of Animal Science
%D 2009
