5th International Congress of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine , 2010-10-25

Title : ( The Roll of Rashid al-Din Fazl Allah Hamadani in development of Medicin in Ilkhanid Era )

Authors: Javad Abbasi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Khaja Rashid al-Din Fazl Allah as an outstanding administrator,physician and historian had a main roll in renewal and continuity of Iranian society in mongol period.His efforts had covered many aspects.Two of them were science and social welfare.Rashid al-Din who had joined to mongol court as a physician,attempted to develop medicin in different ways.He considered other nations inheritance like Chineese medicin(Tebb Ahl Khata).On the other hand as a powerful an influential administrator and also a rich charity man constructed and patronized some medical centers and established courses to train young physicians.In His Endowment(Waqfname)for Rabe Rashidi and his other writings he refers to some of this attempts.Also other historical sources and researches confirms his activities in this field.Present survey is going to illustrate his roll in development of medicine in Iran under the Mongol rule.


, Medicin, Rashid al-Din Fazl Allah Hamadani, Ilkhanid Era, MedicinTraining, Developement, Hospital.
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author = {Abbasi, Javad},
title = {The Roll of Rashid al-Din Fazl Allah Hamadani in development of Medicin in Ilkhanid Era},
booktitle = {5th International Congress of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine},
year = {2010},
location = {استانبول},
keywords = {Medicin;Rashid al-Din Fazl Allah Hamadani;Ilkhanid Era; MedicinTraining;Developement;Hospital.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The Roll of Rashid al-Din Fazl Allah Hamadani in development of Medicin in Ilkhanid Era
%A Abbasi, Javad
%J 5th International Congress of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine
%D 2010
