Title : ( Syntheses and Characterization of Two Novel Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials Based on Polyoxotungstoborate: [L-C2H5NO2-H]3[H2BW12O40].5H2O and [CH4N2O-H]2[H3BW12O40].5H2O (C2H5NO2 = Glycine; CH4N2O = Urea), )
Authors: Mohammad Hasan Alizadeh Ghanad , Hossein Eshtiagh Hosseini , Masoud Mirzaei Shahrabi , ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Two novel hy drated in or ganic-or ganic hy brids, namely [L-C2H5NO2-H]3[H2BW12O40]· ·5H2O (1) and [CH4N2O-H]2[H3BW12O40]·5H2O (2), where C2H5NO2 and CH4N2O are glycine and urea, re spec tively, have been syn the sized and char ac ter ized by CHN microanalysis, IR, UV, and 1H NMR spectroscopies. Ac cord ing to the ob tained re sults, mo lec u lar struc ture of 1 con sists of tungstoborate an ions linked to glycinium cat ions via van der Waals in ter ac tions and hy dro gen bond ing. Three [L-C2H5NO2-H]+ moi eties en - com pass each [H2BW12O40]3– and, al most cer tainly, the same is true for 2. The O at oms of polyoxometalates and wa ter, as well as the N at oms of L-glycine and urea are in volved in hy dro gen bond ing. Char ac ter is tic UV bands of the Keggin an ion, a-H5[BW12O40]· ·19H2O, are ob served at 257 nm, as would be ex pected.
, polyoxometalates, glycine, urea, inorganic-organic hybrid material, IR spectrum, UV spectrum@article{paperid:1019989,
author = { Alizadeh Ghanad, Mohammad Hasan and Eshtiagh Hosseini, Hossein and Mirzaei Shahrabi, Masoud and , },
title = {Syntheses and Characterization of Two Novel Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials Based on Polyoxotungstoborate: [L-C2H5NO2-H]3[H2BW12O40].5H2O and [CH4N2O-H]2[H3BW12O40].5H2O (C2H5NO2 = Glycine; CH4N2O = Urea),},
journal = {Polish Journal of Chemistry},
year = {2009},
volume = {83},
number = {83},
month = {May},
issn = {0137-5083},
pages = {1583--1589},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {polyoxometalates; glycine; urea; inorganic-organic hybrid material; IR
spectrum; UV spectrum},
%0 Journal Article
%T Syntheses and Characterization of Two Novel Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials Based on Polyoxotungstoborate: [L-C2H5NO2-H]3[H2BW12O40].5H2O and [CH4N2O-H]2[H3BW12O40].5H2O (C2H5NO2 = Glycine; CH4N2O = Urea),
%A Alizadeh Ghanad, Mohammad Hasan
%A Eshtiagh Hosseini, Hossein
%A Mirzaei Shahrabi, Masoud
%A ,
%J Polish Journal of Chemistry
%@ 0137-5083
%D 2009