39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference , 2008-08-24

Title : ( wo new metaheuristic algorithms for unconstrained optimization. )

Authors: Reza Ghanbari ,

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Problems of global optimization naturally arise in many applications. We present two new metaheuristic algorithms that are hybridization of genetic algorithm and variable neighborhood search for finding a global optimum of a function, without use of derivatives. We compare the efficiency of these new algorithms with a recently proposed variable neighborhood search for solving unconstrained optimization problems. Results of computational experiments demonstrating the efficiency of our algorithms are report


, Unconstrained optimization, Global optimum, Metaheuristic algorithm, Genetic algorithm, Variable neighborhood search.
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author = {Ghanbari, Reza},
title = {wo new metaheuristic algorithms for unconstrained optimization.},
booktitle = {39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference},
year = {2008},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {Unconstrained optimization; Global optimum; Metaheuristic algorithm; Genetic algorithm; Variable neighborhood search.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T wo new metaheuristic algorithms for unconstrained optimization.
%A Ghanbari, Reza
%J 39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference
%D 2008
