Desalination, ( ISI ), Volume (278), No (1), Year (2011-9) , Pages (31-35)

Title : ( Purifying anion exchange resin regeneration effluent using polyamide nanofiltration membrane )

Authors: Fakhreddin Salehi , Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi , Mohammad Elahi ,

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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of feed concentration (40–100 g/l at four levels), transmembrane pressure (1.0–2.0MPa at five levels) and temperature (30–50 °C at three levels) on the recovery of usable brine obtained fromwaste brine by using polyamide tubular nanofiltration membrane in order to save on both salt andwater consumption for ion-exchange regeneration process. A 77% reduction in salt consumption, a 90% reduction in water consumption and removal value of greater than 99% for colorants were achieved. The rejection of sodium chloride was found to be 15% to 37%,whichwas the highest rejection value obtained at 40 g/l, 2.0MPa and 30 °C. The rejection of sodium chloride declined with increase in the feed concentration and temperature, whereas increasing the transmembrane pressure led to an increase in sodium chloride rejection. The permeate flux was found to be stable during the whole nanofiltration process; however itwas decreased by increasing the feed concentration and increased with increase in temperature and pressure.


Nanofiltration; Salt; Rejection; Wastewater treatment; Colored organics
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author = {Salehi, Fakhreddin and Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Ali and Elahi, Mohammad},
title = {Purifying anion exchange resin regeneration effluent using polyamide nanofiltration membrane},
journal = {Desalination},
year = {2011},
volume = {278},
number = {1},
month = {September},
issn = {0011-9164},
pages = {31--35},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Nanofiltration; Salt; Rejection; Wastewater treatment; Colored organics},


%0 Journal Article
%T Purifying anion exchange resin regeneration effluent using polyamide nanofiltration membrane
%A Salehi, Fakhreddin
%A Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Ali
%A Elahi, Mohammad
%J Desalination
%@ 0011-9164
%D 2011
