59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research , 2010-09-04

Title : ( Effects of chemical and organic fertilizers on number of corm and stigma yield of saffron (Crocus sativus) )

Authors: Parviz Rezvani Moghaddam , Ali Asghar Mohammad abadi , Hamidreza Fallahi , Mahsa Mahsa Aghhavani Shajari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is the world\\\'s most expensive spice and 95% of the production is coming from Iran [1]. The aim of this study was to better understanding the effects of different organic and chemical fertilizers on number of corm and stigma yield of saffron. This expriment was conducted in Organic Farm of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, based on CRBD with three replications. The experimental treatments were four different fertilizers including chemical (50-250; 100-250 and 300-250kg/ha N-P2O5), cow manure (20, 40 and 60t/ha), sheep manure (20, 30 and 40t/ha) and hen manure (5, 10 and 15t/ha). The results which is reporting here, came from fifth year of the experiment. Results showed that the highest fresh flower and dry stigma yield were obtained from chemical fertilizer (300-250kg/ha N-P2O5) and then from cow manure (20t/ha) treatments. Fresh flower and dry stigma yield were increased by increasing the nitrogen level in chemical fertilizer and incresing sheep manure levels. The same results has been reported by Behnia et al [1]. Behzad et al [2] showed that application of 200kg ammonium phosphate plus 30 tons of cow manure produced the highest stigma yield. Rezvani moghddam et al. [4] reported that cow and chemical fertilizers produced more flower and stigma yield than hen manure. Sheep manure at 40t/ha produced the highest mother corm and replacement corm per clump. Saffron is a low nutrient demand plant and requires a modest amount of nutrients [3].


, chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, corm, stigma, saffron
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Rezvani Moghaddam, Parviz and Mohammad Abadi, Ali Asghar and Fallahi, Hamidreza and Mahsa Aghhavani Shajari, Mahsa},
title = {Effects of chemical and organic fertilizers on number of corm and stigma yield of saffron (Crocus sativus)},
booktitle = {59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research},
year = {2010},
location = {آنتالیا},
keywords = {chemical fertilizers; organic fertilizers; corm; stigma; saffron},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Effects of chemical and organic fertilizers on number of corm and stigma yield of saffron (Crocus sativus)
%A Rezvani Moghaddam, Parviz
%A Mohammad Abadi, Ali Asghar
%A Fallahi, Hamidreza
%A Mahsa Aghhavani Shajari, Mahsa
%J 59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
%D 2010
