Title : ( Investigation on some mechanical aspects of safflower seed to the design of processing equipment )
Authors: Rasool Khodabakhshian , Mohsen Shakeri ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
In this research, mechanical aspects of whole safflower seed was measured in terms of seed rupture force, deformation, modulus of elasticity and rupture energy. Safflower seeds were quasi-statically loaded in vertical orientation with moisture contents in four levels: 4%, 8%, 14% and 20%; seed size in three levels: small, medium, and large; and two varieties: Golshid and Afshan. The results showed that the force required for initiating seed rupture decreased from 38.5 to 42.9 N and 36.87 to 40.8 N, while the rupture energy at seed rupture increased from 197.13 to 259.14 Jm-3 and 264.87 to 322.06 Jm-3 and seed deformation increased from 1.03 to 1.48 mm and 1.15 to 1.52 mm with increase in moisture content from 4% to 20% d.b., for Golshid and Afshan, respectively. The average modulus of elasticity of safflower seed from 106.13 to 90.35 Mpa and 77.85 to 65.90 Mpa were obtained for moisture levels ranging from 4 to 20%, for Golshid and Afshan varieties, respectively. Investigating effect of size revealed that all studied mechanical aspects of safflower seed increased as size of the seed increased from
, Key words: Modulus of elasticity, Quasi-static loading, Rupture force, safflower seed.@article{paperid:1025747,
author = {Khodabakhshian, Rasool and Shakeri, Mohsen},
title = {Investigation on some mechanical aspects of safflower seed to the design of processing equipment},
journal = {Journal of Agricultural Technology},
year = {2012},
volume = {8},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {1686-9141},
pages = {39--48},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {Key words: Modulus of elasticity; Quasi-static loading; Rupture force; safflower seed.},
%0 Journal Article
%T Investigation on some mechanical aspects of safflower seed to the design of processing equipment
%A Khodabakhshian, Rasool
%A Shakeri, Mohsen
%J Journal of Agricultural Technology
%@ 1686-9141
%D 2012