International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering , 2011-10-13

Title : ( Trajectory Tracking of 3-PRR Parallel Manipulator with PI Adaptive Fuzzy Terminal Sliding Mode Controller )

Authors: Gelareh Javid , Mohammad Reza Akbarzadeh Totonchi , Alireza Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi , nader nabavi ,

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The complex dynamics and parametric uncertainties of parallel manipulator are great challenges from the perspective of controller design. Due to this complexity, only basic controllers are applied that are heuristic based and do not require an accurate model. This paper proposes the use of a novel PI-Adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller (PIAFTSMC)for trajectory tracking of 3-PRR parallel manipulators. This controller consists of a MIMO fuzzy controller, a terminal sliding mode controller, a PI controller and an adaptation law. The proposed controller has several advantages,it does not require an accurate system model, decreases chattering of input controller, reduces system tracking error to zero in finite time and simultaneously adjusts both parameters of the fuzzy rule-base as well as the PI controller to reach a good performance against external disturbances.


, PI Adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller (PIAFTSMC), 3-PRR parallel manipulator, Terminal sliding mode