Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, ( ISI ), Volume (51), No (5), Year (2012-4) , Pages (480-486)

Title : ( Effect of Different Parameters on WEPS Production and Thermal Behavior Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) )

Authors: Javad Sargolzaei , Amin Hedayati Moghaddam , Masoud Haghighi Asl , فهیمه درخشان فرد ,

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The objective of this study is to investigate Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and thermal behavior prediction of Water Expandable Polystyrene (WEPS) using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In this procedure spherical PS beads containing small water droplets are applied. These droplets are capable to expand the PS matrix while heating above the Tg. Also, the effect of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) on water distribution into Water Expandable Polystyrene (WEPS) beads would be investigated. The ANN model was developed to predict DTA data in different temperatures. The results reveal that there is a good agreement between predicted thermal behavior and the actual values.


Artificial neural network; Blowing agent; DTA; Thermal behavior; WEPS